Do Cats Really Need Video Games?
I made some video games for humans, but my cat likes them better.
My cat music is also quite popular, so then I came up with the idea of making games for cats.
I made 4 of them.
My cat loves them and every night he sits next to my monitor waiting for me to start one of them up again.
His favourite though, is Masterful Mouse.
*** BEWARE *** Try these videos at your own risk. Your cat will probably jump at your monitor and knock it over. So be prepared to stop the video when it all starts to fall apart.
Masterful Mouse
The cheeky masterful mouse darts between the leaves,
Butterfly Bash
Pretty butterflies fluttering randomly around the screen and hiding between the flowers.
Cheeky Spider
Another cat game where a spider runs randomly around the screen. This is based on the spidermmo game I wrote for humans, but cats like my cat version much better.
Tadpole Tease
The original cat video game.