Mastering Eye Contact and Gaze Redirection in Video Presentations: The Pros, Cons, and How-To

Sean Bradley
2 min readJan 9, 2023
NVIDIA GazeRedirect Application

Eye Contact / Gaze Redirection is a revolutionary AI technique designed to help ensure that your eyes are looking at the camera when presenting in a video. The purpose is to hopefully make the video more engaging.

However, there are important pros and cons to consider before rushing into this.

Using eye contact in videos can help to create a sense of connection and engagement with the viewer. It can also help to convey confidence and credibility, and can make the speaker or performer seem more genuine and authentic.

There are several problems associated with using eye Contact / Gaze Redirection in videos though:

  • Eye contact gaze correction algorithms may not always be accurate, resulting in unnatural or uncomfortable looking gaze.
  • Using eye contact gaze correction may result in a video that looks artificial or fake, as the person’s gaze may not match their body language or facial expressions.
  • If you wear glasses it can be a problem
  • Some people may feel that using eye contact gaze correction is unethical, as it may be perceived as manipulating the viewer’s attention or emotions.
  • Implementing eye contact gaze…



Sean Bradley

Developer of real time, low latency, high availability, asynchronous, multi threaded, remotely managed, fully automated and monitored solutions.