PinnedPublished inDesign Patterns In PythonDesign Patterns In Python (Book)Hello, I have also published a book of all the Gof Design Patterns implemented in Python.Sep 15, 2021Sep 15, 2021
R3F-Pack : react-scripts alternativeAre you sick of react-scripts vulnerability warnings when using it?Oct 10, 2023Oct 10, 2023
Mastering Eye Contact and Gaze Redirection in Video Presentations: The Pros, Cons, and How-ToEye Contact / Gaze Redirection is a revolutionary AI technique designed to help ensure that your eyes are looking at the camera when…Jan 9, 2023Jan 9, 2023
Published inThreejs TutorialsWhy Does Three.js Need Import Maps?It doesn’t need import maps.Aug 3, 2022Aug 3, 2022
Published inDesign Patterns in TypeScriptVisitor Pattern in TypeScriptYour object structure inside an application may be complicated and varied. A good example is what could be created using the Composite…Apr 26, 2022Apr 26, 2022
Published inDesign Patterns in TypeScriptTemplate Method Pattern in TypeScriptIn the Template Method pattern, you create an abstract class (template) that contains a Template Method that is a series of instructions…Apr 26, 2022Apr 26, 2022
Published inDesign Patterns in TypeScriptStrategy Pattern in TypeScriptThe Strategy Pattern is similar to the State Pattern, except that the client passes in the algorithm that the context should run.Apr 24, 2022Apr 24, 2022
Published inDesign Patterns in TypeScriptMemento Pattern in TypeScriptThroughout the lifecycle of an application, an objects state may change. You might want to store a copy of the current state in case of…Apr 23, 2022Apr 23, 2022